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We invite you to join us in exploring Integral Coaching and how this might change your life, and the lives of those you interact with. Join us to see if our methodology is a good fit for you and you’ll have the opportunity to talk to the Course Directors about our approach and ask any questions you may have regarding the Integral Methodology, examples of case studies or the coaching courses that we offer. Presented by Janine Ahlers, Certified Integral Coach® (MCC) & Craig O’Flaherty Certified Integral Coach® (PCC) Directors from the Centre for Coaching This informal information [...]

VIRTUAL ROUNDTABLE SESSION2021-02-26T15:36:19+02:00

A POETIC RESPONSE – “The Hunt” by Craig O’Flaherty | Day 22

The hunt As masters of their dark art of epidemiology, they chase a bug whose genetic coding is thirty thousand letter long. They’ve decided to break all protocols – to inject human rats with vaccine alphabets, before they expose them to COVID toxicity. In locked rooms, they toil in obscurity – swallowed by masks and plastic ensemble. Their language of adjuvant technology defies even spellcheck, as chloroquinine, ritonavir and ritonavir, battle for attention with kerzana, actevira and vemolesivir. Meanwhile this pestilence smiles smugly, knowing it’s always one step ahead. In a momentary life it has already [...]

A POETIC RESPONSE – “The Hunt” by Craig O’Flaherty | Day 222021-01-22T14:24:17+02:00

A POETIC RESPONSE – “Le Buffon” by Craig O’Flaherty | Day 20

Le Buffon* That blaze of faded red hair folds back over itself, to cover a deathly white skull. A sunbed face, punctuated by bulbous eyes – sunk into white circles, which those goggles cover each night. You were voted in by many, but answer to none. The baton you were handed is held with disdain, as you watch your land bleed. If you could spell s-y-c-o-p-h-a-n-t you might change your Party’s name. You’re a buffoon of the apocalypse, whose puffed cheeks and tiny mouth weaponize an alternative truth. A congregation trails behind In an exaggerated slipstream. [...]

A POETIC RESPONSE – “Le Buffon” by Craig O’Flaherty | Day 202021-02-18T17:42:59+02:00

OPINION | If times are hard, try getting to know yourself a bit better | Craig O’Flaherty

Finding a good coach during difficult times can give you new tools to understand yourself and develop healthier ways to navigate your life and work. During the quarantine, life became unbearably directionless and uncertain for many people The need for guidance and support became very important during this period And in an uncertain world, coaching has proved to be a vital tool for regaining one's balance  Lockdown has had a major effect on mental health. The World Economic Forum called it the world’s biggest psychological experiment. Two dozen studies showed that long periods of quarantine caused depression, insomnia, anxiety, anger, and even [...]

OPINION | If times are hard, try getting to know yourself a bit better | Craig O’Flaherty2020-11-13T16:14:40+02:00

A POETIC RESPONSE – “Voice Hugs” by Craig O’Flaherty | Day 19

Voice Hugs When this is finally over we will emerge – uncertain at first. Unshaven, long-haired and tousled, we will meet those who’ve been screen-images or voices. We’ll want to embrace them, but will have to restrain those urges. We shall weep for those whom this wave has washed away. We will promise ourselves that things will be different, even though - with time we might disremember that red-blotched screen, those masked queues of shoppers, and an island they dug up to bury those who could not afford to be buried. It’s our voices and gestures [...]

A POETIC RESPONSE – “Voice Hugs” by Craig O’Flaherty | Day 192020-11-11T12:34:57+02:00


We invite you to join us in exploring Integral Coaching and how this might change your life, and the lives of those you interact with. Join us to see if our methodology is a good fit for you and you’ll have the opportunity to talk to the Course Directors about our approach and ask any questions you may have regarding the Integral Methodology, examples of case studies or the coaching courses that we offer. Presented by Janine Ahlers, Certified Integral Coach® (MCC) & Craig O’Flaherty Certified Integral Coach® (PCC) Directors from the Centre for Coaching This informal information session [...]

VIRTUAL ROUNDTABLE SESSION2020-11-11T11:56:57+02:00

A POETIC RESPONSE – “This Season of Fire” by Craig O’Flaherty | Day 17

This season of fire Easter means resurrection, a fulfilment of the prophetic. Renewed hope in what is possible, an end to forty days of wilderness. What prophecy might we fulfil this Sunday? We all seek our own metaphorical tombs, hoping to find them empty. A sign that we’ve begun to forgive ourselves. But we have become a detached world – distancing ourselves from each other. We’ve lost our way to unearthing a common tomb to unite us, whatever our faiths. Eastre was a Teutonic goddess of fertility, Ostara the Norse season of a growing sun. Whatever [...]

A POETIC RESPONSE – “This Season of Fire” by Craig O’Flaherty | Day 172020-11-11T12:21:23+02:00

A POETIC RESPONSE – “Mountain Rain” by Craig O’Flaherty | Day 14

Mountain Rain Woke this morning with an urge to leave the house and just see faces. The thought of barricades and queues put a hurried stop to that. They’re promising rain - the kind that sweeps down from Table Mountain, to wash my outside garden away. Lockdown has been extended. Just like a prisoner who sits in front of a parole board, to find out there’s more to serve. I think about the life I’ve led. Those unforgettable moments, laced with irreparable mistakes. Would I do it again – given the chance? I wouldn’t change it [...]

A POETIC RESPONSE – “Mountain Rain” by Craig O’Flaherty | Day 142020-09-28T15:48:27+02:00

A POETIC RESPONSE – “Home Work is Homework” by Craig O’Flaherty | Day 13

home work is homework being home has become real homework. the big problem is these words have fused, leaving me less real time than in that previous life i once had. i now work through all those extra hours used to travel to and from the office. i’ve had to put my car on blocks – unsure, when this lockdown will end, and when I’ll use it again. to pick where to work from each day has become a procrastinator’s dream: kitchen – no the fridge hums! dining room – damn I’ll have to clean up [...]

A POETIC RESPONSE – “Home Work is Homework” by Craig O’Flaherty | Day 132020-09-11T17:14:13+02:00
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