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A POETIC RESPONSE – By Craig O’Flaherty

A series of poems written by Craig O'Flaherty during the COVID-19 lockdown over March-April-May 2020 from his home in Cape Town, South Africa, starting out as a personal practice and through which many of us have found insight and inspiration. We hope you enjoy this series, and that you too may draw your own insight and inspiration. "Since we went into lockdown here in South Africa on 26 March 2020, I have been using my personal practice of writing poetry as a way to ground and steady myself in these difficult times.  I find the time spent to reflect [...]

A POETIC RESPONSE – By Craig O’Flaherty2021-01-22T14:33:26+02:00


UPDATE: In order to safeguard the health and safety of all participants, this session will now be conducted VIRTUALLY The Professional Coaching Course is a year‐long programme we offer for people who are developing themselves as professional and personal coaches. As part of that programme, we have opportunities for guests to participate as clients with students in our course. This allows you to experience one‐on‐one coaching, first hand, at no charge. This particular session is private, one‐on‐one coaching, with no observers present at any time. As a “guest client” in our programme, you will have an opportunity to receive support in [...]


Masterclass for ACC/CfD and/ or PCC graduates and NVW alumni

Meaning and Self - Expression Craig O’Flaherty & Janine Ahlers Date: Postponed to September 2020, Date to be confirmed Location: Château de Bogis-Bossey Time: 10h00 – 18h00 (Registration from 09h00) In this masterclass, we will be exploring how Meaning and Self-Expression currently show up in your life and how re-defining this might shift how you show up in the world. Over the course of the day, we will cover how you can become more skillful in exploring Meaning and Self-Expression in your own life and in the lives of the people you coach. We [...]

Masterclass for ACC/CfD and/ or PCC graduates and NVW alumni2020-03-11T18:42:43+02:00

Resilience: Rewiring the body – the neuroscience of building resiliency in a chaotic world

Resilience, in simple terms, is the process or method of adapting positively when faced with adversity, tragedy/trauma, perceived danger or serious causes of stress, particularly when it comes to family and other relationship issues, serious health problems or career and financial complications. Even more simply put, it is the ability to "bounce back" from negative situations and experiences. Contemporary research on the subject of ‘resiliency’ has shown that this is in fact an ordinary response and not extraordinary. People are able to rebuild after surviving tragedy and obstacles that would under normal circumstances seem impossible to recover from. Resilience requires support structures [...]

Resilience: Rewiring the body – the neuroscience of building resiliency in a chaotic world2020-03-18T13:52:02+02:00

What is an Integral Approach to Coaching?

Global challenges are impacting all life on the planet. We experience political instability, conflicts, inequality on various levels, a lack of social well-being, and serious sustainability challenges related to the natural environment. Humanity ignores this reality at its own peril. But what difference can coaching make in the midst of all of this? At the Centre for Coaching, we believe that the integral approach to coaching  fundamentally helps to develop the capacity in people to live and work in a more harmonious, co-creative and integrated way. Our commitment is to bring different groups of people together to live and [...]

What is an Integral Approach to Coaching?2019-09-02T17:18:38+02:00

Building Competencies: Inspirational Leadership

Are you as inspiring as you could be? According to an article published in the Harvard Business Review(1),  data gathered from nearly 50,000 leaders who were assessed by approximately a half-million colleagues showed that out of the 16 leadership competencies, the ability to inspire creates the highest levels of employee engagement and commitment.  In addition, the ability to inspire is what most powerfully separates the most effective leaders from the average and least-effective leaders, and it is the number one factor employees identify when asked what they would most like to have in their leader. Inspirational leaders ignite a spark within their [...]

Building Competencies: Inspirational Leadership2020-06-09T23:41:14+02:00

4 Self-Care Habits to Boost Your Resilience

Photo by Filip Mroz on Unsplash When we think about resilient people, we think about those who are dynamic, flexible and able to deal with the fast-changing and complex world we live in today. However, imagine if you could become more resilient yourself?  What could you accomplish if you were better able to tolerate high levels of stress, endure the inevitable setback while remaining open and engaged? Begin Here Resilience is the ability to take on difficult challenges, cope with adversity and still find meaning in life. It allows us to cope when things look bleak by [...]

4 Self-Care Habits to Boost Your Resilience2019-03-04T16:17:45+02:00

Coaching for Development Argentina (in Spanish)

Run by FDF Ventures in Argentina, the course leader is Fabian Di Felice, who has been a partner and colleague of the Centre for Coaching for many years. The Spanish version of Coaching for Development has been run for the last four years, and has been very well received. 2019 Course Dates Session 1: 5 – 7 June 2019 Session 2: 8 – 10 August 2019 Session 3: 29 – 30 November 2019 For more information please download the course brochure or contact Elizabeth Klein directly on: Email: ek@fdfventures.com Tel: +5491150633642 Download the course brochure [...]

Coaching for Development Argentina (in Spanish)2019-10-28T12:16:40+02:00

2018 Geneva HR Conference: Interview

Join Us! Wednesday 3 and Thursday 4 October 2018 Palexpo, Geneva  |  9h00 – 17h30 Hall 2, Stand D.01-E More Details “We passionately support organisations to implement strategic change through the design and delivery of bespoke programmes that address dimensions of how we, as human beings, interact with one another.” Thank you to the Salon RH Suisse team for interviewing one of our Directors, Daniel Ahlers. We're excited to participate during this year's Salon RH Suisse and hope to see you at our conference: Building Resilience – ‘Hardiness in Upheaval’ [...]

2018 Geneva HR Conference: Interview2019-01-24T11:58:57+02:00
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