PRESENCE – ‘Being fully in the world’
Learning to connect more fully to ourselves and others.
Craig O’Flaherty & Michele Stoudmann
Date: Saturday 10 December 2016
Location: Chateau de Bogis-Bossey
Time: 9h30 – 18h00 (Registration from 8h30)
– What are the elements of presence and how do they manifest in how we think feel and act?
– What are the ways we can begin to observe our capacity to be present?
– What are the practices and observations we can start to design for ourselves and our coachees that deepen our presence?
… Join us for this one-day Masterclass to explore how we, as coaches, can:
- Become more Present both to ourselves and to our clients
- Deepen our ability to be seen and to be heard, and thus inspire change in others
- Develop practical tools and practices to anchor a new way of being in the world.
Course outline
The nature and substance of presence:
- What are the indicators that we or others are present?
- How do we begin to notice this in ourselves and clients?
- What are the qualities and results of being more present in the world?
Identify the traps and pitfalls:
- What gets in the way of us as humans from being present?
- What are the results in our own and other’s lives?
- What are the qualities of presence that make it so beneficial?
How to design and develop practices and observations:
- How can we weave it into any or all coaching programs?
- What kinds of practices and observations can we harness to do this?
- What are the indicators that we and our clients can use to know that shifts are occurring in this quality?
Practical details
Time: 9:30 to 18:00 (registration from 08:30)
Venue: Château de Bossey, Bogis-Bossey (near Geneva), Salle Hexagone
Cost: CHF400 (includes lunch and tea/coffee) Early bird rate CHF350 (until 31 October)
Course Leaders: Craig O’Flaherty and Michele Stoudmann