As a global first, we are delighted to announce that, in collaboration with Félix Comby (CEO Versus Systems SA), we will be running a Certification Programme for an excellent behavioural assessment tool called PersProfile Manager. This tool has been in successful use for many years, although up till now the training has taken place only in French. The Centre for Coaching has been so impressed with our own usage and findings as to how PersProfile supports a coaching programme, recruitment and leadership development, we have decided to collaborate with the thought leader of this methodology, Felix Comby, to bring this important work into an English-speaking training offering (read our article “Creating powerful synergies through a global alliance –> Case Study : Versus Systems & Centre for Coaching” which expands on our experiences with PersProfile Manager).
Who should attend and why?
This Certification Programme is aimed at coaches, consultants, those working in recruitment or HR, or anyone wanting a business friendly, practical behavioural tool to use as part of their leadership and team development programmes.
A key advantage of using this assessment and report is that it is not a personality profiling tool and therefore does not leave people feeling judged or stuck in a box. Instead, PersProfile Manager outlines the current behavioural patterns chosen by the individual in a professional environment. This allows the individual to see their behaviours in a fresh new way and to understand both more about themselves and also more about their impact on others. They can then be coached or managed into working on the behaviour patterns they wish to reinforce as well as those that they wish to move away from.
What is PersProfile Manager?
PersProfile Manager was inspired by the typologies of Marston and Jung, and from emotional intelligence theory. It is a tool which assesses the behavioural tendencies of an individual in his/her professional environment.
We all have behavioural tendencies that express our internal drives. Some are conveyed without ambiguity or inhibition; others are toned down because of our social conditioning. They result from our temperament, character, personality and the social roles we adopt. They express our preferences, our needs, and our motivations.
The purpose of PersProfile Manager is to give participants the opportunity to know themselves better, to be aware of the image they convey to others through their behaviours, to better identify their own needs and, in addition, to identify the things that are of little interest to them.
As Socrate’s adage goes: “Understand yourself in order to better understand others.” PersProfile Manager is the mirror of our behaviour. It does not judge, it does not interpret, it does not label; it merely reflects in an explicit way the information that was given in the answers to the on-line questionnaire.
The Certification Programme agenda for the two days will include
* usage of this assessment on yourself to experience it fully on a personal level
* a rigorous exploration of the theory underlying PersProfile
* familiarisation with the different socio-types
* discussion of the theory of ‘needs’ and ‘motivators’
* insight and practice as to how to debrief this report skilfully with others
* discussion of examples and experiences
* ideas on where and how best to use this process
Practical details
Attendance will enable you to use the tool with your clients, with certification at PersProfile Level 1 at the end of the two days.
ICF Members: For those who are members of the ICF, we will provide a letter showing the links between this training and Continuous Education Units that will enable you to log these hours as part of your ongoing professional development requirement for your ICF membership renewal.
Where and when?
We’re expecting places to be taken quickly, so book now to avoid disappointment.
Dates: March 2018 (dates TBC)
Time: 9am – 5pm
Venue: Golf du Domaine Impérial, Gland (pickup from the Gland railway station can be arranged upon request)
(Welcome coffee and croissants, as well as lunch & drinks are included in the Programme fees)
The Certification Programme costs CHF1,500.- + VAT
Students and alumni of Centre for Coaching are entitled to a discount of CHF 100.
A discount is applicable for 2 or more participants from the same organisation.
Français: contacter fcomby@myversus.com en cas d’interêt.