
I have worked with CfC  across a number of diverse geographies over the last 9 years (in Africa and central Asia) and I have been hugely impressed by their approach, skills and ability.

What has been particularly of note is their ability to understand and appreciate different cultures / team dynamics and to adapt the programs for differing audiences and situations.

Their input has been a significant element in delivering demonstrable improvement in both the business delivery and in leadership development (both individual and team) and helping achieve real business turnaround (from decline to growth on all KPI’s – Volume, share, turnover and profit) and a step change in developing a sustainable highly effective local talent pipeline.

Mycroft Croisdale-Appleby, British American Tobacco, Area Director – Middle East


I left the programme with an awakened sense of being deeply in tune with the present moment, a curiosity to explore new possibilities and as a result, discovering new territory, every single day.

Navid Nazemian, Integral Coach and Head of HR Business Partnering – Vodafone


ACC for me was everything a coaching course could possibly provide, and so much more. Beside the models, tools and techniques to equip me as a coach, I’ve discovered such a solid base for pretty much any interaction in my professional and personal life now. I am simply amazed by the depth and wealth of conversations I am able to hold now. The course is hard work, for sure, but the outcome is so rich that it’s been totally worth it!

Tatiana Matveeva, Leadership Development Director, Corporate HR Center, JT International, Geneva


“Last year, some colleagues and I participated in the Centre’s 6 month intensive Associate Coaching Course in Australia. I’d have to say it is one of the best programs I have ever taken; quite transformational in fact. It not only provides highly professional coaching training but equally, it’s an amazing personal development experience.

The fact it is academically rigorous as required by the Graduate School of Business of UCT is but one of the factors that sets this program apart from others.”

Joe Fischer, Executive Director, Stephenson Mansell, Walsh Bay, Australia


“Participation in the 6 month Associate Coaching Course opened my eyes to the role a coach can play in helping individuals develop their natural strengths and see possibilities not seen before. The facilitator stressed the importance of a collaborative alliance formed within a bounded framework so as to aid clients in setting goals, taking actions and making better informed decisions. Meaningful assignments, experiential role plays, group exercises, and case studies were used to reinforce and affirm our skill development. During the course we applied the integrative coaching model directly within a safe framework under the skilled guidance of a practiced facilitator. I recommend this program as meaningful training for those who seek to contribute positively, creatively, and in a future-oriented manner in support of others.”

Dr Ros Thomas, Head, Psychology, Sociology and Counseling, Webster University, Geneva


Working in a multicultural environment, cohesion is often difficult to maintain – being now equipped with skills learned on the Associate Coaching Course has allowed me to significantly improve my anticipation and capacity to resolve issues as they arise, as well as improving my capacity to build the professional capabilities of those I work with.

Eric Maire, International Business Management Consultant, Lausanne


Pour ma part, je suis un consultant en gestion d’entreprise. Je peux témoigner que j’ai nettement amélioré ma capacité à mieux appréhender ma capacité d’écoute en y associant le questionnement adapté et focalisé, en anticipant les problèmes liés à la gestion de personne dans des équipes multiculturelles et mixtes nécessitant de constamment assurer une cohésion. Les nouvelles connaissances qui m’ont été apprises durant cette formation m’ont permis de mieux construire les compétences des autres et de mieux comprendre les caractères uniques de chacun. Cette formation m’a également ouvert la capacité à interpréter la gestuelle et les indices indiquant un problème potentiel, que par le passé je ne pouvais pas percevoir. L’ensemble de ces nouvelles connaissances m’a apporté une meilleure confiance en moi pour faire face aux difficultés à gérer le facteur humain, clé dans la réussite de toute initiative ou projet.

Eric Maire, Consultant en gestion d’entreprise international, Lausanne

Associate Coaching Course – Lettre de recommandation Eric Maire – Signée


“The coaching experience, both after significant years of being coached and then going on the ACC programme have all been significantly perception changing and behaviour altering for me. All in, I consider this a magnificent process of self-discovery, which continues, whilst hugely empowering through a coaching tool-set geared to helping others help themselves.”

Leslie Rance, Head of Corporate and Regulatory Affairs, British American Tobacco


Thanks so very much for creating such a special learning experience. Among the many things that I appreciate collectively about the Centre for Coaching Faculty are:

  • providing a safe environment for personal learning
  • your depth of knowledge, expertise and experience in coaching
  • planting the seeds of life long friendships
  • allowing the uniqueness and contribution of each delegate to shine
  • providing the materials and tools to more effective learning
  • setting the assignments that made the learning experience very real
  • choosing a superb location, with harmony and stillness
  • providing a toolkit for life

Most importantly I really appreciate that you have given me a better understanding of human beings.

Glen Jones, Managing Director, iBuzcon Ltd (London)


Learning about integral coaching had been an aspiration of mine for a couple of years.  I am glad I arrived at the decision to commit to a programme at the same time when Centre for Coaching ACC became available in Switzerland.  I was joining the programme with a thirst to learn and a readiness for some self development work, little did I know that my thirst would be just quenched by opening up new horizons and my tremendously painful but very rewarding self development journey would just begin.
The faculty are just great with an excellent combination of theoretical and practical knowledge, and with strikingly deep integrity and dedication to what integral coaching is about.
The course work is just the right combination of theory and experiential learning, and anyone is free to take as little or as much from it as one desires, by this I mean that there is no limit to how much you can learn as long as you have curiosity, dedication, and, what is very essential, enough quality time to process.
Starting my first coaching cases right from the beginning of the programme was daunting, but I discovered that this was the best way to learn, especially with the invaluable support of a mentor.
The amount of home assignments did not look that big in the beginning, but, if taken seriously, some of the one page reflections required one to two weeks intense self observations, which, in turn, contributed to the depth of my personal development journey.
The venue was fantastic, very tranquil, setting the mind into the right mode for the course, I am sure it contributed to the overall atmosphere.
I would whole-heartedly recommend this course to anyone curious about integral coaching, or anyone seriously considering becoming a professional in this area.
Olga Klimanovich, Partner, InReach Global Consulting, London


“I have had the privilege of working closely with Janine and Craig, both on an individual 1-2-1 level and within the context of a wider a leadership team environment. On both levels, I have benefitted significantly from their coaching and insights. They bring objectivity and clarity of thought to often complex challenges within team dynamics and in terms of personal development. I would strongly recommend the Centre for Coaching to any individual or team that is committed to personal growth and/or evolving as a team”

Nathan Carr, Chief Operating Officer, Barclays Indian Ocean


“Coaching has enabled me to navigate a complex course of questions which have revealed some valuable truths. I can honestly say that the coaching experience has helped me to widen my scope of vision & separate the trees from the forest.”

Anthony Percival, General Manager, Auto logistics at Toyota Tsusho Africa, Durban



“Coaching is a way of helping business leaders to see possibilities they could not see before and explore these in a safe, trusting environment. It is based on values, which transcend culture. Respect is respect, no matter where you come from. Coaching transformed the lives of many of our staff. The behavioural changes are cascading down through the organisation very nicely.”

Hylton Bannon, head of the automotive division of Toyota Tsusho Africa (TTAF)



“I was really looking for something that gave me the tools and techniques I needed to coach not just the theory – that you can get from any number of books – and the Centre for Coaching gave this to me. The bottom line is that coaching can be a really powerful ally to help people face change. It brings about a greater richness in people, it helps put their feet more firmly on the ground and ready to face whatever the world has to throw at them.”

Keith Harvey, MD of Durban-based company Sovereign Health



“Having enough leaders who adopt a coaching style is the catalyst to accelerating the development of the leadership gene pool in organisations. And coaching provides the safe space for these leaders to face up the some of the unique challenges that change brings. In this regard it is also playing an important role in talent development and succession planning.”

Alan Jansen



“The Strategic Leadership Through Coaching programme, offered by the UCT Graduate School of Business’ Executive Education unit in partnership with the Centre for Coaching, has had a big impact on my leadership style and helped us considerably as managers to be more resilient during these difficult times. With the banking sector coming under a lot of scrutiny in recent years it has been a tough period for the industry, with staff freezes, retrenchments, and a general feeling of uncertainty. The course was invaluable as it reinforced resilience as a key attribute needed for successful leadership today.”
Joss du Trevou, Regional Manager at Absa Corporate


“The tapestry of my life has brought me to Integral Coaching and to Craig and Janine at the Centre for Coaching. This journey has been one of the greatest gifts that I have given myself. Integral Coaching has provided me with the opportunity to see and experience myself and others in a different way. I have come to realise that I can respond to people and situations by using my head, heart and gut and that when I respond with all of myself it provides me and other people with a glimpse of the possibilities that lies within each of us to respond to life in a different way to create new possibilities. Through this journey I have been blessed to meet many wonderful and inspirational people along the way who has enriched my life and touched me in ways I could never have imagined. I would recommend the courses offered through the Centre for Coaching to anyone who wants to explore their way of being in life and take the first step on a journey of self-discovery which may allow them the opportunity to explore what gives them meaning and how they can contribute to others and themselves.”

Werner Potgieter, Senior Legal Advisor for a large financial institution